
Zenlabs says its silicon anode cells are ready for commercialization after 1,000-cycle testing

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has successfully tested over 1,000 charge-discharge cycles using high-energy silicon anode pouch cells made by Zenlabs Energy

Zenlabs received a $4.8-million, 50% cost-share development contract from the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) to develop low-cost, fast-charge EV batteries.  As a part of the USABC program, Zenlabs delivered its 12 Ah capacity, 315 Wh/kg specific energy pouch cells to several national laboratories for evaluation.  

The cells tested by INL have completed 1,000 dynamic stress test (DST) cycles following the USABC three-hour charge protocol, and over 900 DST fast charge cycles using a 4C rate or 15-minute charging protocol under 100% depth of discharge (DOD).  The high-rate capable cells can be charged to 80% of their capacity in 10 minutes and to 90% of their capacity in 15 minutes. Zenlabs says its silicon anode cells enable a vehicle with a 300-mile range, and a potential battery life of up to 300,000 miles.

“Zenlabs has solved the durability challenges associated with high-capacity silicon anodes and has demonstrated 1,000 charge-discharge cycles, showing the technology is ready for commercialization,” said CTO Dr. Herman Lopez.

Source: Zenlabs

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