
UK drivers missing out on savings of £382M on staycation travel by not going electric

As international travel restrictions continue, millions of Brits are jumping in their cars for UK-based staycations this summer – spending a collective £462million on fuel.

With the nation preparing for Bank Holiday weekend getaways, research from EDF revealed 77% of holiday-makers will make their staycation journey in a petrol / diesel car – travelling an average of 256 miles to explore far-flung corners of the country.

With the same journey in an electric vehicle (EV) costing just £5.85, drivers could save a collective £382M if they made their journey in an EV.

As the UK officially enters recession, the staggering savings should be welcome news to motorists. However, the research revealed nearly half of holiday-makers admitted that they wouldn’t even consider taking their trip in an electric vehicle.

The biggest unfounded concerns putting people off travelling in an EV are worries over running out of charge (53 per cent) and not being able to find charging points (47 per cent) – despite three quarters (75 per cent) of staycation journeys being under 128 miles – well within the typical range of a modern EV (195 miles).

EDF’s data has revealed huge gaps in the country’s collective knowledge about EVs, with myths and misconceptions rife amongst the population.

To help bust these myths, EDF has created a collection of eco-friendly bumper stickers designed to help EV owners answer some of the most frequently asked questions.  The collection is designed to inspire more people to make the switch to an EV, and help the nation hit its net zero target.

EDF energy EV stickers
EDF energy have launched a range of quirky bumper stickers for electric cars

Phrases on the stickers include: ‘Charges so easily I do it in my sleep; My old car was exhausting; ATTENTION! Low emission vehicle’ and customers can receive their own myth busting bumper stickers from EDF by visiting

Philippe Commaret, Managing Director for Customers at EDF added:

“As many look to enjoy UK-based road trips this Bank Holiday weekend, they could make significant savings by switching to an EV. However, our research shows myths and misconceptions about them are still rife – and in many cases, might be preventing people from enjoying the financial and environmental benefits of going electric.

“That’s why we’ve created this range of fun and eye-catching bumper stickers to help spark conversations amongst EV owners and other motorists, and break down the barriers to owning an EV, inspiring more motorists to consider making the switch and help Britain achieve net zero.”

To make the transition to electric vehicles hassle-free, EDF offers its competitive GoElectric tariff. This 100% renewable, single rate tariff is designed specifically for charging electric vehicles at home, and allows users to save up to £210 over the course of a year. Users are also able to upgrade to a compatible smart meter in order to get the most out of off-peak charging, with 98 hours of reduced rate charging per week (9pm until 7am on weekdays and all day at weekends). EDF has also recently invested in EV charging point manufacturer, Pod Point, to provide fast, safe and Wi-Fi enabled home chargers that are compatible with all plug-in vehicle brands.

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