
Tips: What to Avoid Doing After a Car Accident

6 “Do Nots” in Case You’ve Been in an Accident

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 A car accident can be an extremely stressful experience. You may be injured, and your car may have major damage. Injuries can be painful, time-consuming and expensive. Damage to your car is not only pricey, but it may also leave you without a car for some time.

Although the aftermath of an accident can be time-consuming and frustrating, there are certain things you must never do when you have a collision. The reason is that insurance companies want you to make a mistake so that they do not have to pay you your due.

1.  Do Not Leave the Scene Before the Police Arrive

Do Nots after an accident
Wait for the police after an accident

When you have a collision, you should always pull over to the side of the road and find out if anyone is injured. Unless there is no real damage to either car and no injuries at all, you must call the police and wait for them to arrive.

If you leave the scene of an accident before law enforcement has a chance to arrive and make an accident report, you will be guilty of a crime. In some situations, you can get jail time if you are convicted. Your insurance company can deny your claim if you do this.

2.  Do Not Admit Fault

When a person believes that they have caused an accident, it is only natural for them to feel guilty. This is especially true if the accident involves injuries. However, it is never wise to admit fault at the scene.

Although you may think that you caused the accident, there may be circumstances of which you are unaware. For example, if one car T-bones another car, the driver may believe it was all their fault. They may think that they entered the intersection too quickly or drove past a stop sign or red light. They may not consider that the car they hit was speeding or that there were cars parked where they should not have been, causing their view to be obstructed.

3.  Do Not Rely on the Police to Collect Evidence 

When you have an accident, you should get the names and phone numbers of any people who may have witnessed the crash. You should also take pictures of the accident scene and the damage to each vehicle if you can. Be sure to ask the law enforcement officer for a copy of the accident report.

4.  Do Not Refuse Medical Treatment

If you are involved in an accident with injuries, there is a good chance that an ambulance will arrive at the scene. If it does and the paramedics offer you treatment or want to take you to the hospital, you should go even if you feel fine.

Some injuries, such as concussions, are not immediately apparent. Even if no ambulance arrives, you should always go to the doctor’s office after you are involved in a crash.

Do Nots after an accident
Make sure you get all of the info you might need later

5.  Do Not Let the Insurance Company Decide Your Fate

You should call your insurance company as soon as you can to report the accident. It is very important to turn in all of your evidence as soon as possible and to turn in everything you have.

Save every bill that you get for medical treatment and get your doctor to write you a report. You should also save the receipts from all the medications that you take and ask your employer to write a letter stating the number of hours you have missed from work.

The insurance company is likely to ask to record your conversations, but you do not have to let them. They may try to trip you up when you talk to them. You should never let them coerce you into saying something that you do not remember or is not true.

6.  Do Not Accept the Insurance Company’s Offer Without Talking to a Lawyer

Insurance companies want to keep their money in-house, so the first offer they make is likely to be too small. You should always talk to an attorney before agreeing to a settlement offer.

Car accident lawyers get a bum rap. They are actually well-versed in negotiating with insurance companies and are likely to get you a better deal than you could get on your own. They can also represent you in court if the insurance company does not offer you an acceptable amount of money.

An accident can disrupt your life, but knowing what to avoid can help you get the money you deserve.

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