Electronics parts manufacturer Rincon Power has unveiled a new contactor for high-power applications across multiple industries.
The 600 A/1,000 V continuous-duty and ceramically-closed RXC60 provides high-speed switching, low contact resistance and minimal power loss, the company said. The RXC60 contactor has a hermetically sealed enclosure for protection against harsh environmental conditions, prolonged lifespan, minimal maintenance and optimum performance. The single-pole, single-throw (SPST) design is available with an optional SPDT auxiliary contact providing both normally-open and normally-closed feedback for design flexibility in any application, including high-voltage safety circuits, status feedback, or weld detection.
“With the introduction of the RXC60, power-intensive applications can be managed with precision, efficiency and peace of mind,” said Brian Munari, Business Development Manager at Rincon Power.
Source: Rincon Power
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