
How to accurately simulate batteries from detailed electrodes to the pack thermal management scale

OEMs, battery designers and manufacturers, as well as test facilities, face increasing challenges in battery de

Detailed understanding of battery technology and the underlying physics processes is necessary to design high-performance, durable, and safe batteries. Physics-based modeling is being used for building accurate simulations of batteries, incorporating different aspects through predefined physics-based interfaces, from detailed structures in a battery’s porous electrode to the battery pack scale, including thermal management systems.

In this session at the Charged Virtual Conference on EV Engineering we will discuss and demonstrate how COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Battery Design Module provide different features and functionalities for battery design and analysis, which can help in the development of the next generation of batteries and facilitate the integration of these batteries into final electrical devices.

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Other sessions at our Fall Virtual Conference include:

Get Faster Charging and Better Cold Weather Range with Improved Cooling Plate Design

DuPont Mobility & Materials is working to solve our customers’ greatest advanced mobility challenges. In this webinar we will discuss our new design for hybrid cooling plates that utilizes the best aspects of the current aluminum constructions, then makes them better with thermoplastics. The goal? Faster EV battery charging speed and better cold weather performance.

We combined the excellent thermal conductivity of aluminum with the design flexibility, structural advantages, and thermal barrier properties of thermoplastics, and are seeing:

• Reduced manufacturing times enabled by direct welding of aluminum to polyamide-based thermoplastics
• Better battery performance in cold weather, as measured by DuPont’s advanced simulation capabilities
• Functional integration that opens the possibility for new designs and reduced manufacturing cost

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See the full sessions list for the Fall Virtual Conference on EV Engineering here.

Broadcast live October 18 – 21, 2021, the conference content will span the EV engineering supply chain and ecosystem including motor and power electronics design and manufacturing, cell development, battery systems, testing, powertrains, thermal management, circuit protection, wire and cable, EMI/EMC and more.

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