
Fully Charged HOME SERIES | 6 episode series starting on Sunday 8th August at 5pm BST

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We’ve wanted to make this series for some considerable time, and we began talking about it in earnest more than a year ago.While Fully Charged has covered some incredible home technologies in the last 11 years; it’s been difficult to get our arms around such a complex and sizable subject.

The nature of YouTube is that it lends itself best to ‘one off’ episodes, and of course for those that are looking to decarbonise their homes that makes it hard to see the whole picture. Equally, it’s often that the properties featured are either aspirational self-builds, or new build developments.

For the majority of the 29 million homes in the UK, that’s not where help and guidance is required. Instead it is the retrofitting of technologies to an incredible variety of existing properties where the challenge lies.

Furthermore, as is the way with newer technologies, many of the things that we have featured have been prohibitively expensive, and sadly this deters people from participating.

And even in the 12 months since we started this project – after another record year for renewables, and the electric vehicle sales surge – things have changed, and the spotlight is (finally) shining on home technologies; heat in particular.

We are convinced that a very significant percentage of the UK population would like to make the move away from fossil-fuelled technologies at home, they just don’t know how or where to begin.

So with all of this in mind, we have created a 6-part series that looks at the decarbonisation of homes as a whole; looks at everyday properties, and looks at cheaper measures too.

Now, we know that our audience is extremely energy-savvy, but after the success of our “Maddie Goes Electric’ series, we wanted to make a series that worked for you, but was also widely accessible to others. So for the geekier amongst you (compliment by the way) we hope you enjoy this series, but above all we hope you use it to educate as many people as you can through your Facebook pages, or Twitter feeds.

Because above all, this series has been created to be shared, and has been created so homeowners can stop talking, and start taking action. It is our sincere hope that this is just the beginning for Fully Charged when it comes to focussing on how you can decarbonise your home.


The first episodes will air on the 8th, 9th & 10th August, and will conclude on the 17th, 24th & 31st.

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