
Allison Transmission developing EV tech for US Army combat vehicles

Allison Transmission is accelerating the development of electrification technology for the US Army’s ground combat vehicle fleet, including tracked infantry fighting vehicles and the main battle tank. Military benefits of electrified vehicles include silent mobility to reduce enemy detection and increase survivability, exportable power provisions for on-board and off-board systems, and flexible operational modes capable of balancing performance and fuel economy demands.

For the Next Generation Electrified Transmission, Allison will design, develop and validate a motor, generator and inverter system to be coupled to a tracked vehicle transmission. The Army is also considering replacing its heavy wheeled vehicle fleets with a common tactical truck, and is considering options for new main battle tanks. These programs are likely to rely on electrification.

Allison’s electrification portfolio for defense applications also includes the Transmission Integral Generator (TIG), which has undergone rigorous testing by the Ground Vehicle Systems Center. 

Allison is also evaluating future defense applications for the eGen Power product family, which consists of single- and dual-motor fully-integrated electric axles with a multi-speed gearbox, and gross axle weight ratings up to 13 tons. These are purpose-built axles with a low gear ratio, providing improved grade and launch capability, and the higher range optimizes energy consumption and system efficiency while operating at higher speeds.

“To the Army, electrification represents a means of achieving many different capabilities that enhance soldiers’ effectiveness in multi-domain operations. Specifically, it means the use of electric power to augment vehicle performance,” said Michael Cadiuex, Director of the Army’s Ground Vehicles Systems Center.

“The TIG is an innovative technical solution that converts transmission mechanical power to electrical power for use on the vehicle or off the vehicle, providing up to 120 kW of electrical power, and reducing reliance on traditional towable generators,” said Dana Pittard, Allison VP. 

Source: Allison Transmission

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