
How About A Plaid Yoke For Your Tesla Model 3 Or Model Y?

So, you think the Tesla Model S Plaid‘s yoke is pretty awesome? Now, you can get an aftermarket yoke for your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y. Brian Jenkins (i1Tesla) got one from Hansshow and installed it himself. He writes, “My carbon fiber and Alcântara wrapped Yoke wheel is amazing. Not that hard to install and makes the car so much better.”

The refreshed Model S‘ yoke has caused quite a stir on social media. Many folks seemed to think it was pretty neat, though they also weren’t really sure if they’d enjoy driving the car with the yoke instead of a traditional round steering wheel. Others have made it clear they’re completely opposed to the yoke, they think it’s unsafe, and they claim Tesla is just offering it as a way to get attention.

During the Model S Plaid delivery event, it became clear that all Model S Plaid cars being delivered had the yoke, but we still weren’t sure if it would come standard in every Model S. We also didn’t know if the round steering wheel may actually be an option regardless.

At this point, it seems there are still some unanswered questions, and with Tesla, things tend to change often. We do know that Tesla is sticking with the yoke, Musk thinks it’s great, and progressive steering isn’t coming to any Tesla for at least a few years, if ever. Musk mentioned on Twitter that Tesla will “aim” for it in a few years.

With all of that said, it seems people either love the yoke or hate it. Moreover, their opinion may change drastically once they actually drive a car with a yoke. 

In the video above, Jenkins talks about the Hansshow yoke, which is actually a replica of the Model S Plaid yoke. He gets into the installation process as well. However, perhaps most importantly, Jenkins shows off the yoke in action and provides driving impressions.

Jenkins says the yoke takes a bit of time to get used to, but he loves it. He says it’s actually better than a normal steering wheel when you’re using Autopilot. His wife has been driving the Model Y with the yoke to work for several days, and she provides her impressions as well.

Once you’ve had a chance to watch the video, let us know your takeaways. Are you a fan of the yoke? Have you driven a car with a yoke? Would you buy an aftermarket Plaid yoke for your Model 3 or Model Y?

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